Hydrodynamic Testing

No other suppression provider has performed as many hydrodynamic testing programs as our team.  When a client comes to us with a request for testing, we use our experience to develop a customized program aimed at achieving technical objectives and minimizing cost.  Our team helps identify the best facility for the work scope and assembles a sample matrix of test runs to gather the necessary raw data.  VIV Solutions® technicians can design and construct the rigging for the test, as well as interface with local personnel to ensure a seamless kickoff to the campaign.  Once testing activities are complete, our engineers analyze the data sets and prepare a detailed report of the findings.

An abbreviated sample list of various subjects we have previously studied is shown below:

  • Riser interference
  • Hybrid suppression systems
  • Reynolds number implications
  • Suppression geometry optimization
  • Tandem and offset cylinders
  • Effects of marine growth
  • Fairing coverage length and density
  • Helical strake coverage length and density
  • Riser lock-in conditions
  • Spar and buoy applications
  • Surface roughness implications
  • Testing and design of oil spill containment booms
  • Design and fabrication of instrumentation

Hydrodynamic Test Programs Performed

Scale Model Testing of Fairings with Pointed Noses
Naval Surface Warfare Center Rotating Arm Long Pipe
Scale Models of Tail Fairings for Testing