The engineers at VIV Solutions® have authored numerous technical papers on vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and VIV testing. A sample list of these publications is provided below for reference.  

  • Allen, D.W. and Liu, N. (2018), Vortex-Induced Vibration Effects of Production Risers in Proximity with Drilling Risers or Tendons (OTC-28672-MS), Proceedings of the 2018 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. and Liu, N. (2017), VIV Suppression Device Development and the Perils of Reynolds Number (OMAE 2017-62690), Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Trondheim. [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. et al. (2015), The Effects of Mixing Helical Strakes and Fairings on Marine Tubulars and Arrays (OMAE 2015-41238), Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, St. Johns. [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. et al. (2015), Practical Design Considerations for Managing Marine Growth on VIV Suppression Devices (OMAE 2015-41237), Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, St. Johns.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. and Liapis, S. (2014), The Effects of Coverage Length and Density on the Performance of Fairings (OMAE 2014-23108), Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. and Liapis, S. (2014), The Effects of Coverage Length and Density on the Performance of Helical Strakes (OMAE 2014-23107), Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco.  [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L., Allen, D. W., and Henning, D. L. (2009), Henning Devices: A New Class of VIV Suppression Apparatus for Offshore Tubulars (OTC 19881), Proceedings of the 2009 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W. and Allen, C. W. (2008), Fairings versus Helical Strakes for Suppression of Vortex-Induced Vibration: Installation, Maintenance, and Economic Considerations (OTC 19374), Proceedings of the 2008 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W., Lee, L., and Henning, D. L. (2008), Fairings versus Helical Strakes for Suppression of Vortex-Induced Vibration: Technical Considerations (OTC 19373), Proceedings of the 2008 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W., and Henning, D. L. (2008), Comparison of Various Fairing Geometries for Vortex Suppression at High Reynolds Numbers (OTC 19377), Proceedings of the 2008 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L., Allen, D. W., and Henning, D. L. (2008), A Hybrid Fairing System for Suppressing Vibration and Drag Loads of Marine Risers, Deep Oil Technology Conference, Houston.
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2007), The Effects of Partial Span Coverage for Deepwater Marine Risers and Tendons with Fairings (OTC 18594), Proceedings of the 2007 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston. [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L., and Allen, D. W. (2007), An Approach to VIV Design of Marine Risers (OMAE 2007-29095), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, San Diego. [click here to purchase]
  • West, C., Henning, D., Armstrong, S., McMillan, D., McMillan, D., Allen, D., Mekha, B., Blockhus, D. J., Doiron, D., and Lemker, M. (2007), S-Lay Installation of Riser Fairings for the Independence Hub (OMAE 2007-29416), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, San Diego.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2007), Drilling Riser Fairing Tests at Prototype Reynolds Numbers (OMAE 2007-29219), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, San Diego. [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L., Allen, D. W., and Henning, D. L. (2006), VIV Suppression Performance of Tail-Fin Fairings for Drilling Risers, Deep Oil Technology Conference, Houston.
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2006), High Reynolds Number Flow Tests of Flexible Cylinders with Helical Strakes (OMAE 2006-92332), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Hamburg. [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L., Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and McMullen, C.D. (2006), Vortex-Induced Vibration Tests of Two Faired Cylinder in Tandem at Prototype Reynolds Numbers (OMAE 2006-92331), Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Hamburg. [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L., and Allen (2006), Issues Important to VIV Suppression Design for Marine Applications, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Wuxi.
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2005), Riser Interference Tests on Flexible Tubulars at Prototype Reynolds Numbers (OTC 17290), Proceedings of the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L. and Allen, D.W. (2005), The Dynamic Stability of Short Fairings (OTC 17125), Proceedings of the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2005), Vortex Induced Vibration Tests of Smooth and Rough Flexible Cylinders at High Reynolds Numbers (FEDSM2005-77176), Proceedings of the ASME 2005 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Houston. [click here to purchase]
  • Armstrong, S. P. (2004), VIV Suppression Installation on Existing Horizontal Pipeline Spans (OTC 16600), Proceedings of the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2004), Vortex-Induced Vibration Current Tank Tests of Two Equal Diameter Cylinders Offset from Tandem (OMAE 2004-51116), Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vancouver.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W., Henning, D. L., and Lee, L. (2004), Performance Comparisons of Helical Strakes for VIV Suppression of Risers and Tendons (OTC 16186), Proceedings of the 2004 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston. [click here to purchase]
  • Lee, L. and Allen, D.W. (2004), VIV Modeling of Bare and Suppressed Risers (OTC 16183), Proceedings of the 2004 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W. and Henning, D. L. (2003), Vortex-Induced Vibration Current Tank Tests of Two Equal-Diameter Cylinders in Tandem, Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 17, pp. 767-781. [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W. and Henning, D. L. (2003), Performance Characteristics of Short Fairings, (OTC 15285), Proceedings of the 2003 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W. and Henning, D. L. (2001), Prototype Vortex-Induced Vibration Tests for Production Risers (OTC 13114), Proceedings of the 2001 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W. and Henning, D. L. (2001), Surface Roughness Effects on Vortex-Induced Vibration of Cylindrical Structures at Critical and Supercritical Reynolds Numbers (OTC 13302), Proceedings of the 2001 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Mercier, R., et al. (1999), A Hub Class Spar Production Platform for the Deepwater Northern North Sea, Proceedings of the 1999 Deep Offshore Technology Conference.
  • Allen, D. W. (1998), Vortex-Induced Vibration of Deepwater Risers (OTC 8703), Proceedings of the 1998 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. and Henning, D.L. (1997), Vortex-Induced Vibration Tests of a Flexible Smooth Cylinder at Supercritical Reynolds Numbers (I-97-354), Proceedings of the 1997 ISOPE, Honolulu.  [click here to purchase]
  • Vandiver, J.K., Allen, D.W., and Li, L. (1996), The Occurrence of Lock-In Under Highly Sheared Conditions, Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 10, pp. 555-561. [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D. W. (1995), Vortex-Induced Vibration Analysis of the Auger TLP Production and Steel Catenary Export Risers (OTC 7821), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, pp. 169-176.  [click here to purchase]
  • Phifer, E. H., et al. (1994), Design and Installation of Auger Steel Catenary Risers (OTC 7620), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston.  [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W., et al. (1989), Submarine Pipeline On-Bottom Stability: Recent AGA Research (OTC 6005), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston. [click here to purchase]
  • Allen, D.W. (1986), Numerical Simulation of Vortex-Induced Oscillation of an Elastically Mounted Circular Cylinder Using Body-Fitted Coordinates, Ph.D. Dissertation, Rice University, Houston. [click here to view]