SHEAR7 is the offshore industry’s leading tool for conducting vortex-induced vibration (VIV) analyses of deepwater risers and pipelines. Helical strakes and fairings are often installed on subsea structures to suppress VIV and mitigate the long-term effects of harsh environmental conditions, thereby lengthening the fatigue life ensuring safe operations.
As such, VIV Solutions® has developed a new set of input coefficients that better match data measured during controlled laboratory experiments than the default SHEAR7 coefficients. Our calibration exercise is intended to produce analysis results that are more representative of field conditions while removing errors associated with significant under- or over-prediction of VIV at various Reynolds numbers. Note that the new parameters are recommended for use with VIV Solutions’ helical strake and fairing products only.
Access the web-based version of the report by using the Discover drop-down menu at the top of our website, or simply click SHEAR7 Calibration to be taken directly to the page. A PDF copy is also available for download.
We welcome your feedback and look forward to assisting with your organization’s future VIV suppression needs.